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Final Photos

  • For this photo I used a low f-stop to blur the background and keep the two plants in focus. I bumped up the vibrancy of the red leaves to grab the attention in the photo, I also decrease the green tone in the grass to give it a more warm tone. 
  • For this photo I used a high ISO and wide apperature because it was getting dark out and i didnt want the clouds to blur behind the windmill. To edit I bumped up my exposure and contrast to define the clouds. I finished by eliminating the noise.

  • For this photo I used a long exposure because the sun was already set behind the mountains in the distance. I wanted the majority of the photo to remain dark so I only allowed the exposure to capture colors in th sunset and lake reflection. I increased the vibrancy a bit to get the colors to where I wanted them.

  • For this photo I used a wide apperature to catch the subject without any motion blur (high shutter speed), I also wanted to have a very shallow depth of field.
My final edit of the damselfly I took the heal brush to clean up the background.

  • For this photo I wanted to use a very shallow depth of field to get the subjects eye in focus and bring attention to that. I then used the color mixer to brighten the yellows and green to make the body of the frog a bit more interesting than the background, without taking away from the eye.

  • I used a shallow depth of feild to have the leaf be the main subject. I bumbed up both the greens and reds. I didn't want the background to be dull, but I still wanted the red and in focus leaf to be the subject.

  • For this photo I used a tight aperarture because I didn't want anything to be blurry. I used the color sliders to bring up the vibrancy of the yellow forground. I situated the boulder in the front right third to grab the attention as the brightest and biggest thing in the photo, boulders are scattered across the landscap to give a sense of distance.

  • Once again I used the high aperature to keep everything in focus. I used the bright lake as a subject and placed it in the left third to immediatley grab the veiwers interest. During processing I bumped up the contrast to make that difference even more apparent, this also defind the haze in the mountain valleys towards the back of the photo. I used the healing brush to remove a road from the middle of the photo.

  • For this photo I used a wide apperature to get the lichen colony I wanted in focus. I picked the big, round lichen as the subject instead of the long line of orange lichen on the left. I still left that colony in the photo because I liked the orange contrast to the gray rock and I felt that in drew people in from the corners but kept the searching because it wasn't in focus. I used the color sliders to bring up the vibrancy of the orange lichen and bring it down in the green lichens as to not put in another bright color to pay attention to.

  • For this photo I bumped up the vibrancy of all colors. I felt that it had an overall diagonal flow from the bottom left corner to the top right. The overall photo has a warm tone so the deep blue spring grabs the attention right away. The orange bacteria have a interesting patterns and colors to look at. I wanted everything to be in focus so I used a high f-stop. It was also very bright this day so I used a low ISO.

  • For this photo I used a high f-stop to keep everthing in focus. In processing I increased the vibrancy of the oranges and blues. I used dehaze to cut down the amount of steam coming from the geothermal area.

I wanted the phototo look dark and errie so I wsed a fast shutter speed. In processing I increase the vibrancy of the photo overall and used a small amount of dehaze, but not enought to cut down on the fog in the backgrounds.

  • For this photo I used a high f-stop to keep everthing in focus. In processing I took down the contrast, increased shadows and whites, and decreased highlights and blacks to give it a "matte" look.

  • I used a low iso in this photo because there was a break inthe clouds and it really brighted up the foreground. In processing I bumped up the overall vibrancy of the colors, increased contrast, and took down the exposure. I also used dehaze to cut down some of the steam from geothermal areas.

  • Used a low iso ifor this because it was very bright overcast. I boosted the vibrancy for the orange, yellow , and orange to keep the river and sky from  being more interesting than the canyon.

  • For this photo I used an f stop of 13 to deet a deep depth of field. In processing I brightened the greens and blues to get more vibrant trees and river.

  • For this photo I used a high shutter speed to underexpose the photo. I metered on the steam in the background to have the trees appear backlit. I applied a gradient on the bottom third to darken the shadows and decluter the foreground leaving the group of trees as the subject.

  • For this photo I used a a wide apperature and focused on the ravens face to blur out the background and perching branch. I increased the contrast to give it a it more definition.

  • For this photo I used a wide apperature to have a high shutter speed. I wanted to catch the water falling from the swan's bill once it came up from diving. I increased the contrast a bit in post.

  • For this photo I used a wide aperature to keep the grizzly in focus and blur out the back and foreground. I increased the whites because the photo looked a little flat.

  • For this photo I used a shallow depth of field to blur the background. I used the color sliders to increase the vibrancy of the yellow. I then increased the contrast to give the petals a bit more texture.

  • For this photo I used a 4 second exposure to increase the brightness without decreasing the depth of field. I increased the saturation and vibrancy to make the colors brighter in a gradient fashion from the top down. 

  • I did an 8 second exposure so that I could draw the peace sign. I decreased the contrast and removed noise, as well as increased the shadows and whites to create a deep black backround. To remove the extra stars I used the clone brush to  clean up the bckground. 
My final edit of my bid dipper photo I used the clone brush to clean out the star trails.

  • For this photo I used a low ISO because it was extremley bright out. I increased the highlights to cut out some of the grays.


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