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Final Blog Post

Prior to the start of the semester I had previously taken two film based photography classes in high school. We went over things like exposure, aperature, and more specifically the art of processing film rolls and developing photos. We had went over the rule of thirds as a way to generally set up our photographs. Other than that it was just a fun class to take with friends.

Photography at Rocky has taught me alot about what I enjoy in photographs what to try and do to appeal to others. One of the most impactfulparts of the semester was learning the rules of dominance. Familiarizing myself with them I feel that I am able to compose better photographs while on the fly, instead of just haphazardly pointing and shooting. Another thing I was excited to learn about was using the back button to focus. I dont think I will ever use my camera without that function again. I also learned to use lightroom with greater efficacy.

I'm excited to take my new learned skills out with me into the field for the rest of my life and be able to create photos to commemorate my times out in the field.


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